Young researchers in focus at the DigitalLife 2018 conference

63 research projects were on display during DigitalLife 2018, and the conference room filled with lively discussions and scientific excitement. Who would take home the Poster Prize?

Anita Akbarzadeh, Fabian Grammes, Siri Øfsthus Goksøyr and Kanhaiya Kumar presented their projects at the poster session at DigitalLife2018.

A crowded room decorated with scientific posters is the heart of every major conference. At DigitalLife2018, young scientists and experienced researchers met to discuss recent findings, discover new tools and develop collaborations for the future. 

From left: Anders Goksøyr and Marta Eide from UiB, and Antonio Garcia Moyano and Dorinde Kleinegris from Uni Research.

Below are a few of the presenters at Digital Life 2018:

Siri Øfsthus Goksøyr is a PhD candidate in the dCod project at UiB. She presented her work on developing a cell-free sensor for contaminants affecting marine species. In her PhD-work, she will use cod Vitamin D receptors as proof-of-concept for the new technology, and plans to submit at DOFI at the end of the laboratory work.

Establishing A Cell-Free Method for Xenobiotic Detection Using Ligand Activated Receptors from Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), presented by Siri Øfsthus Goksøyr.

Kanhaiya Kumar is a postdoctoral researhcher in the INBioPharm project at NTNU. He presented his project on profiling the metabolic states of Streptomyces to use the bacteria as a host organism. In the future, Kumar will use the modified bacteria as superhosts for gene clusters from other marine bacteria, and test if the new genes function together to produce antibiotics or other bioactive compounds.

Intracellular metabolite profiling of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) during antibiotic production in nutrient stressed batch fermentation, presented by Kanhaiya Kumar.

Fabian Grammes is a researcher in the DigiSal project at NMBU. He presented his work on developing a database for functional annotation of genomes, which he and his colleagues use to understand the samlon genome. The new information will help Grammes and his colleagues to build a mathematical model for the metabolic reaction network for Atlantic salmon.

SAPP-salar: Functional annotation interface for Atlantic salmon, presented by Fabian Grammes.

Anita Akbarzadeh is a PhD candidate in the 3D Life projects at NTNU. She presented her work to develop a new three dimensional hydrogel that will allow immune cells to migrate and support neurons to form interconnections. Akbarzadeh studies how to tailor the mechanical properties of the hydrogel to match the normal extracellular matrix surrounding living cells.

Fabricating biomaterials for tissue engineering allowing for cell migration and interconnectivity. Part 1: Tailoring the mechanical properties, presented by Anita Akbarzadeh.

The winner of the Poster Prize: Hanne Haslene-Hox and Øystein Arlov, both research scientists at SINTEF.

Hanne Haslene-Hox and Øystein Arlov presented their work to develop a system for robotic handling of soft tissue engineering at poster #41: 3D cell culture: Tailoring matrix properties for cell culture and high throughput screening.

The Poster Prize winners pictured together with their colleagues from the 3DLife group. Øystein Arlov is number three from the left, Haslene-Hox is number three from the right, and PI Berit Løkensgard Strand stands on the far right.



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Published Mar. 21, 2018 9:29 AM - Last modified Mar. 24, 2023 10:48 AM