
The objectives for the Centre for Digital Life Norway (DLN) in the second funding period – DLN 2.0 that started in February 2021.

Primary objective of DLN 2.0

The overall goal of the centre initiative is to transform research, innovation and training in Norwegian biotechnology to foster transdisciplinary collaboration and so contribute to responsible and sustainable creation of value for Norwegian society. DLN shall support open science and enable convergence of biotechnology and life sciences with computer science, engineering, mathematics, physics and statistics as well as with social sciences and the humanities in order to develop anticipatory, reflexive and communicative competences and agencies regarding the societal impact of its activities and outcomes. Through these ambitions DLN aims to become a national lighthouse for transdisciplinary biotechnology, also recognised and visible internationally. This necessitates developing a strong anchoring at the host institutions, and as described above DLN has made major progress towards this overall goal already. The primary objective of the DLN 2.0 competence hub is to strengthen and extend our efforts to enable, support and guide research projects, in order to drive the transformation of Norwegian biotechnology in tight interplay with the host institutions and other relevant actors including the RCN and industry.

Secondary objectives of DLN 2.0

To realise DLN 2.0’s transformative ambitions defined above, the centre will fulfil the following six secondary objectives, which are all in line with the conclusions from the DLN self-assessment process that was undertaken in November 2019 as a preparation for this call:

#1: Make transdisciplinary convergence the norm for biotechnology projects by educating, training and guiding scientists from different disciplines and fields, including the next generation of project leaders, in collaborations that address the same research questions and thereby go beyond state-of-the-art disciplinary methods and approaches. 

#2: Ensure innovation and value creation from transdisciplinary biotechnology by establishing a culture of RRI within the DLN 2.0 community. 

#3 Make FAIR sharing of data the norm for biotechnology projects by driving the further strengthening of national capacity for data handling, interpretation, management and sharing of research data.

#4: Ensure that the experiences from DLN are anchored in host institutions and other research and innovation organisations in Norway by promoting and catalysing processes of learning within and across the DLN host organisations.

#5 Maximise the creation of societal value and future commercial successes by introducing basic knowledge and making educated strategic decisions of innovation and commercialisation processes. 

#6 Increase visibility and impact of DLN 2.0 as a lighthouse in transdisciplinary biotechnology by communication and collaboration with relevant organisations both nationally and internationally.